Activities & Programs That Advance Knowledge or Enhance Awareness of the Importance of the Tribal Art of North America and the World and The Peoples That Create It
DUE DATE: September 30, 2024
The ATADA Foundation invites arts organizations, arts policy organizations, museums, institutions, and federally recognized tribes to submit their proposals for activities, exhibitions, research, and programs that advance knowledge or enhance awareness of the cultural, historical, and aesthetic importance of the tribal arts of North America and the world, and the peoples that create it. The Vecinos Project, recently created by the ATADA Foundation, specifically invites tribes and tribal organizations to submit their proposals for activities and programs that support both the cultural arts and the well-being of Indigenous people in the United States.
The ATADA Foundation is seeking to fund activities, exhibitions, research, and programs of varying scales throughout the United States. This RFP includes award levels up to the following:
All proposals must contain the following elements:
Letter of Interest: Describe the organization’s interest in the program or activity, the initial vision for the program or activity, and relevant experience or background.
Concept of Proposed Program or Activity: A brief summary of the overall program or activity being proposed.
Program or Activity Description and Plan: A description of each component of the overall program, major component activities, timelines, and the roles of key personnel, as well as anticipated involvement with a partner organization(s).
Goals: Statement of the proposed course of action and an indication of how progress toward goals will be monitored and evaluated.
Budget: A narrative and/or table that convey how to fund dollars will be allocated to the various program or activity components and their administration. Include an overview of other funding sources anticipated to be leveraged for program implementation.
Organizational Structure: A description of the proposer’s organization, including its history, track record, personnel, organizational chart, and ability to implement the proposed program or activity.
Contact Information. Organization name, address, physical location, phone number, email address, and principal contact person.
To Submit a Proposal
Submissions of proposals may be made through e-mail:
or mail to:
ATADA Foundation, Inc.
215 Sierra Drive SE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87108
Attention: Robert V. Gallegos
All applications will be pre-screened by the ATADA Foundation Grants Committee to ensure that they meet the minimum qualifications:
Includes all the elements listed in the “Proposal Requirement” section.
Proposing organization is a non-profit, public agency, or federally recognized tribe.
Applications meeting the minimum requirements will be evaluated and ranked by the Grants Committee. Applicants are not required to attend an in-person interview.
The Grants Committee will make a recommendation to the Board of Directors for the award of funds.
Awards of funds to recommended organizations will be based upon the final approval of the ATADA Foundation Board of Directors.
Once qualified, the ATADA Foundation Grant Committee will evaluate proposals based on the following factors:
Proposed Program or Activity: An assessment of how the proposed program or activity and how it will advance or enhance the importance of tribal art or support the cultural arts and well-being of Indigenous people. (50%)
Experience: An assessment of the organization’s experience and level of expertise in implementing relevant programs and activities. (20%)
Budget: Inclusion of reasonable cost estimates within desired grant amount. (10%)
Schedule: Inclusion of a realistic program or activity schedule. (10%)
Leveraged Funds: Use of additional Federal, State, philanthropic or other financial resources for the project. (5%)
Local Preference: Organization or tribe based in the Southwestern United States. (5%)
All proposals must be submitted by: September 30, 2024
Notice: Proposals will not be accepted after the date above. Incomplete proposals that do not conform to the requirements specified herein will not be considered. Issuance of this RFP does not obligate the ATADA Foundation to award funding, nor is the ATADA Foundation liable for any costs incurred by the applicant in the preparation and submittal of proposals. The ATADA Foundation retains the right to award all or parts of the grant funding to several applicants, to not select any applicants, and/or to re-solicit proposals. The act of submitting a proposal is a declaration that the applicant has read the RFP and understands all the requirements and conditions.